Economic Development Team, Dudley Council
Call +44 (0)1384 812001 •
Skills and
Whether you’re training a new team member or developing your entire workforce, we can give you personal and local support to help your business thrive.

When you are ready to up-skill or add new people to your workforce, Dudley Council's Employment and Skills Team provides a complete package of free, personal and local support to guide you through the entire recruitment process.
Dudley Council is committed to supporting sustainable employment growth across the borough. We work with businesses to identify current and future job opportunities and help to fill these by promoting and matching local people into employment.
We provide advice and support about local training opportunities and can refer businesses to a wide range of services offered by other partners and stakeholders.
We offer a bespoke, tailor made service to meet your business growth needs:
A tailored recruitment service - Advertising job vacancies, a job matching service to potential candidates, job application shortlisting and interviewing as required
Work experience - The opportunity to give work ready candidates the opportunity to participate in work trials and get the experience they need to apply for jobs
Apprenticeships - There are grants available if you are successfully able to recruit an apprentice across key business sectors – subject to funding and eligibility
Sector based academies - Pre-employment programmes with a guaranteed interview for interested local unemployed people
Training - Access to a full range of free training including industry specific certifications
Skills Development - Access to short courses for new employees and to meet your existing workforce development needs
Adult education budget - Dudley Council with West Midlands Combined Authority funding provides funded and part-funded training for individuals in employment that are seeking to improve their skills in order to progress in their education, job role or career
Higher level skills - Dudley Council will help you to find higher level programmes and consultancy support and refer on to the relevant local FE colleges and universities where employees can access programmes bespoke to individual and employer needs from level 4 to 7
Hire a graduate - Dudley Council works with local universities to bring high level talent to your business through short or long term placements
To discuss any support for businesses, your workforce or residents seeking employment, education or skills support please call or email us or call 01384 817750

Apprenticeship Levy
The apprenticeship levy is a UK wide levy on employers which can be used to fund apprenticeship training. The Skills and Employment team can help you to recruit, select apprentices or upskill your existing workforce using our Apprenticeship Levy Transfer Programme.
We would like to hear from interested businesses that are looking to employ apprentices, increase their intake of apprentices or would need help to up-skill their existing employees as part of their businesses growth plans. The following sectors are of particular interest to Dudley MBC; healthcare, childcare, adult social care, advanced manufacturing but where available the levy can be used in other key sectors.
A degree apprenticeship is designed specifically to fill skills gaps in business and industry, and can be applied to existing staff that you want to up-skill or new talent that will bring fresh ideas to the business. This can be in the form of Foundation degrees, Undergraduate degrees or even Postgraduate degrees.
Other useful links
Job and careers - Dudley Council vacancies
Jobcentre Plus - has a range of recruitment services that can help you as an employer
West Midlands Combined Authority - information and support for Dudley borough
WM Jobs - public sector jobs
Walsall Works - job vacancies in Walsall
Think Sandwell - job vacancies in Sandwell
Wolves at Work - job vacancies in Wolverhampton